Saturday, April 28, 2012

Just We Two - Does Mom Love Miss Patchy More?

Whew!  It’s time to rest a little after jumping for birds and bugs out on the patio.  I love it out there and ask Mom every day to let me go out.  Most of the time it’s either too cold or too hot and she doesn’t want to keep the door open.  Sometimes early in the morning she will let us out, before it gets really hot.  She won’t open the door at all once it gets hot.

Mom loves Miss Patchy more than me.  I know this.  I can hear.  She calls Miss Patchy Pretty Girl or Beautiful Girl.  She calls me Cute Girl or Cutie Girl.  Why does she call me something different?  I want to be Pretty Girl or Beautiful Girl, like Miss Patchy!  Mom knows how I feel, because she says that I lie on the back of the comfy chair and glare at her and Miss Patchy when she is using those names.  What is cute or cutie?  She never uses those names for Miss Patchy, which must mean that she thinks I am not as good or nice.  I know this!

Also, she always calls Miss Patchy Good Girl.  So often, she calls me Bad Girl.  I can tell by her tone of voice that Bad Girl is not a good thing, but Good Girl is.  I laughed last week, when the perfect Miss Patchy was lying on the eating room table.  Mom saw her and called her Bad Girl and told her to get down.  Ha!  Evidently Mom noticed how I felt about these names, and she is actually calling me Good Girl a lot.  It makes me feel so good and makes me want to do the right things.  Now if I could just keep myself from jumping up on the food-room counter.  Mom and Dad hate when I do that, but who can resist?  It smells so good up there and sometimes I find food there.  Most of the time, it’s human food, and nothing that I like at all, but I usually taste it and sometimes I push it over the edge to the floor so I can play with it.  Some human food makes great toys!  Of course, almost anything can be a toy, especially if it is round.

Anyway, Mom has sometimes recently called me Pretty Girl.  I’m really excited that maybe she really means it.  She has noticed that I don’t glare at her and Miss Patchy so much any more.  She has also noticed that I purr again.  She has told me how much she loved it when I was little and would hug her, knead her neck, and purr a lot.  When she started calling me Bad Girl when I did stuff, I stopped doing that to her.  I was angry!  Now that she is treating me a little better, I am purring for her again.  Will I ever hug her again?  I don’t know.  My feelings were very hurt.  Miss Patchy says that I am taking things all wrong.  She says that Mom loves me just as much, just in a different way.  Why should she love me differently from Miss Patchy?  She says that it’s because we are different, but so what!  I love Mom and Dad so much, and I want them to love me just as much as they love Miss Patchy.  Will that ever happen?  Why do I have to work so hard for it?  Miss Patchy says it’s because I am so young and have so much to learn.  She says that being cute is wonderful and that I should be proud of it.  She says that she will never be called cute, because she sleeps most of the time and doesn’t do much playing at all.  She’s just old!  She’s pretty cranky sometimes, too.

These days, any time I do something right (the way Mom wants it done), she (and Dad, too) calls me Good Girl.  It sounds so good to my little ears.  All I want is to hear those names, not Cute Girl or Cutie Girl, or Bad Girl.  Miss Patchy says that Mom and Dad think I look so cute when I play and jump around and that’s why they call me that.  Well, I don’t care!  I don’t want to hear it!  Let Miss Patchy hear it if she will ever get up off her lazy butt and play.  Playing is life!  What else can there possibly be?  Well, there is Pretty Girl and Beautiful Girl, isn’t there.  And Good Girl!  The more I hear those words, the happier I feel and the more love I feel for Mom and Dad.

Well, now that I have ranted about this, I feel a little better.  I guess I should go play some more before I take a nap.  I will play a lot, as long as Mom and Dad don’t call me Cute Girl!



Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Just We Two - Doors

Wow!  What a great time playing!  I have a rattley ball, and it is just so much fun!  I need to calm down a little now and try to work some things out.

I’ve been pretty busy studying things lately, so I really haven’t had time to put my thoughts onto this blog.  I am very, very curious about doors.  Doors are what let people into and out of rooms.  Rooms are big empty spaces, surrounded by walls, where humans put tables and chairs and other things.  Doorways are empty places in the walls so that people can go in and out of the rooms.  Most doorways have doors that cover them so that, when they are closed, people cannot go in or out.  So far, so good!  I’ve had quite a bit of experience with doors, not all of it good.  I think I mentioned the time when Mom and Dad went away all day, and I was shut in the closet.  I always try to be sure that Mom sees me go into the closet now so that she will leave the door open a little for me, so I can get out when I am ready.  She doesn’t understand why I love to go into the closet, but to me it is a dark and mysterious place, with lots of boxes and nice-smelling things.

There is also the door into the garage.  It is different from the other doors.  It is a little bit ugly and it makes a different sound when it shuts.  It sounds heavy.  It is always exciting to go into the garage to check out all the things that are kept in there.  Mom and Dad used to keep the car in the garage, but the big door that slides up to the ceiling no longer works, so they can’t get the car in or out.  That makes it much better for me, since the car is just a little bit scary.  I don’t mind it at first when the door is closed after I go into the garage, but they always turn out the light, too, and then I get a little afraid and want to go back into the house.  If Mom and Dad are watching TV, they sometimes don’t hear me calling them to come let me back into the house.  Now I always try to let them know that I have gone out into the garage so they know where I am.

There are also the glass doors in the couch room that let me out onto the patio.  They are like windows.  I can see outside, but I can’t get there unless Mom or Dad slides open one of the glass doors and that thing they call a screen.  There are more glass doors in the guest room, but they are almost never open.  It’s funny to be looking out the guest room doors and see Mom or Miss Patchy in the living room, through those glass doors.

Here is what I don’t understand about doors.  When I want to go into the bedroom or the guest room, maybe the bathroom, if the door is just open a little bit, I can lift up my front legs, push on the door, and it opens up and I go into the room.  Sometimes, I find something interesting behind the door, and it closes a little bit, with not quite enough room for me to get out.  So, I lift my front legs, push on the door, and instead of opening, it closes and latches so that I can’t get out.  Why doesn’t pushing on the door work all the time?  Both Mom and Miss Patchy tell me that I’m doing it wrong, that I can’t push the door open from the inside.  But what else can I do?  This will take a lot more study on my part.  I can see that I have a lot to learn yet.  Will I ever be as wise as Miss Patchy?  She sleeps a lot and eats a lot, and I don’t think she can see really well anymore, but she is still smart and wise, but most of the time she won’t share that wisdom with me.

Windows still confuse me, too.  I have been investigating and studying, but I’m still not sure I have all the answers.  Sometimes, when Mom comes home, I will be in the eating room window and I see her on the walkway.  She wiggles her fingers at me and puts her finger to my nose, but I can’t feel it or smell it.  All I can do is see it.  I already learned that a window cannot be used like a door.  I tried, but I can’t get through it, even though I can see stuff on the other side.  Sort of like the glass doors, I guess.

Well, there are some toys waiting for my attention.  I wouldn’t want them to be lonely, so I must go play with them.  I will continue to think about doors and windows, to see if I can figure them out.

