Um-m-m-m! Nothing like a good stretch!
When I last wrote, we were all in the car - "happily" rolling down the road! At this point, let me back up a little. You may have noticed that I always refer to Cherokee as clumsy and a klutz, foolish, stupid. Mom was sure I was wrong, but I was definitely not. He was always trying to get me into trouble, too. Let me give you an example.
One night, Mom was sound (and I do mean "sound" if you catch my drift) asleep and Cherokee and I were on the bed with her. For some unknown reason (unknown to both him and me) Cherokee woke up and wanted to play/fight. I'm not sure what he really wanted, but he jumped on me and we began to wrestle. He always had more energy than I and I was tired, so I decided to get away. He gave chase and inadvertently I ran over Mom's face, scratching her on the forehead. She woke up of course, and was very angry. She got out of bed and told us both to get out of the bedroom. It wasn't my fault, why should I have suffered? Anyway, Cherokee raced out the door and I guess Mom thought I did, too, and she shut the door. Well, I was not going to be punished for Cherokee's transgression, so I slipped under the bed in the darkness and Mom did not notice.
After I felt that Mom was comfortable and ready to sleep, I came out from under the bed and got up on the bed with her. She noticed, but didn't say anything, so we both went to sleep. Some time later, I felt the urge to visit the litter box and went to the bedroom door. I am not good with doorknobs, so I couldn't get out. I just sat there staring at the door until Mom woke up, got out of bed, and opened the door for me. Relief! Anyway, I saw from that that I could communicate with Mom sometimes. She was smart enough and open enough for me to reach her. She was pretty amazed, because she said that she knew exactly what it was I wanted.
I have already related the incident in the car. Mom was a little upset later on to find that some of the litter from our box had come out into the water on the floor and had hardened into something resembling cement. I think some of it was still there on the rug when she traded the car in, although I certainly was not an habitue of the car. I only tell you this from hearsay.
So, there we were on our jolly way. I expected that it would be over soon, like when we went to the vet. Was I ever wrong! Only once! Mom stopped the car for a little while and got out. She left us in the car. She came back later, smelling of breakfast. My tummy grumbled a little, but we both continued to hide in the plant forest. We began to roll again and didn't stop for a very long time. Mom got her suitcase out of the car and tried to get us to come out and into the boxes, but we weren't having any of that. We spent the night in the car.
The next day, we rolled on all day. Mom stopped for breakfast and then lunch. Finally, we came to a stop at someone's house and between Mom and someone named Karen, they got us out of the car and into a garage. Our food dishes, water dish, and litter box were put into the garage, along with the boxes and we spent the next day or so exploring in the garage, while Mom got to sleep in a bed, I think. We didn't see her for all that time we spent in the garage and we began to think that this was where we would be staying. It didn't excite either of us much, but sometimes you just have to go with the flow.
Then, one morning, Mom and Karen came into the garage and, between the two of them, both Cherokee and I were put into the boxes and into the car. Everything of ours was packed into the car also. Mom said goodby to Karen and we began to roll yet again. It was getting very tiresome, believe me. Anyway, we both decided not to worry about it and went to sleep. Mom stopped for lunch and then we didn't stop again until it was nearly dark. We were in the car alone for a few minutes and then we rolled to another place very close. Mom took our boxes out of the car and put them into a room with a bed. She brought in all our stuff, too. So this was our new home? Awfully small! Chicken Cherokee immediately hid, as usual, and I sort of stayed a distance from Mom (sort of under the bed). During the night, both Cherokee and I crept up onto the bed and snuggled with Mom. It was a small place in which to live, but as long as Mom was there, everything was okay.
The next morning was a surprise. Once again, Mom put us into the boxes, which we entered very reluctantly. (Actually, Mom had to pick me up and try to gather all my legs together and put me into the box as it stood on its end.) Cherokee resisted at first, but finally gave in and entered the box. Back into the car while it was still dark and back on the road again! Both of us cried until the sun came out full and then we went to sleep. Another lunch stop and another long roll until we stopped at another small house - actually just a bedroom and a bathroom. What kind of people live in these places? I was hoping that soon we might stop for good and find ourselves in a little bit bigger place.
In the morning, after snuggling with Mom all night, Cherokee decided that he had had enough of the car. I had decided to cooperate a little and went into the box almost on my own. Cherokee, however, ran under the bed, which was pushed into the corner of the room. Mom could not get him to come out and ended up lifting the bed up against the wall. Seeing that he was now exposed, Cherokee ran into the bathroom. Mom put the bed down, picked up the box, and went into the bathroom, closing the door after her. She was smiling. The way she tells it, Cherokee had jumped into the bathtub, behind the shower curtain. Mom had the box open on the floor and she opened the curtain. Cherokee told me he was so surprised that she knew where to look. Anyway, he looked at Mom, looked at the closed door, and looked at the box, several times. Realizing that there was no way out, he jumped out of the tub and allowed Mom to push him into the box. Problem solved!
Back into the car for another day of rolling and stopping for meals (hers, not ours). It was quite a surprise when we stopped this time. Mom took us into a place much bigger than the little places we had been staying. Once she had everything in the house, she opened the boxes and let us out.
Oh, yawn! I think I need to sleep again.
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