"Well, now is my chance to show what I have learned. I think this is a lot of fu . . .!"
What are you doing??
"Oh, Miss Patchy, I thought you were asleep."
Well, I was, but you are making a lot of noise!
"I'm sorry (not), but I wanted to show you what I can do."
"Okay, Miss Patchy, but my time will come."
Just go to sleep.
"But I'm not sleepy."
Just go! Go play with Mousey or something. Chase your tail; you're good at that!
"Ha! Someday, Miss Patchy, someday."
What nerve! There I was, sleeping peacefully here in the office, when Pest started making all that noise. Clicking on the keys, giggling! No matter, she's gone now and I can get down to business.
You know, people often wonder why I am called Apache and why my brother was called Cherokee. I don't think anyone really knows. Maybe they ran out of names at the foster home. Mom thinks it was an omen or something. She said that, when she adopted us back there in Massachusetts, she had no idea that she would ever move to Arizona. She said it never had entered her mind. However, since we had had those names for a few years, she didn't feel it would be right to change them. And she was right, of course. Mom usually is right. Not right as often as I am, since I am never wrong, but usually right.
Names can be handy things. I was surprised to learn some years ago that humans have names. They all look so much alike (with color differences) that I always just sort of lumped them altogether and called them humans. I guess it helps that they have names, because it makes it easier to tell them apart. If I say to someone that there's a human at the door, it doesn't mean a whole lot. But if I say that Bob is at the door, then we know right away just who is at the door - friend, enemy, or stranger. We will run up under the bed anyway, but it's nice to know just who you are avoiding.
I think I mentioned toilets before. They seem like rather strange things, but I guess humans have slightly different needs. None of them would ever fit into our litter box, so the bathroom, with its toilet, is good for them. Cherokee was always totally fascinated by the toilet. He would drink out of it, too, but his interest went much further. He couldn't get enough of watching it flush. He told me that he loved to watch it swirl around and disappear. Then suddenly, it would come back again, but without the stuff in it. He tried so hard to understand what was happening and how it worked. Mom actually tried to get us to use the toilet instead of the litter box. What a hoot! At first, there was this plastic hanging from the seat and there was a little bit of litter in it. That was okay, and we did use it. Then, one day Mom removed the plastic and the litter and that wasn't okay. I didn't like hanging over that water and neither did Cherokee. We left her a message in the bathroom sink that we didn't like it and she never tried it again. Hooray for the litter box!
Now the bathtub is something else. It would appear to be something totally useless, but Mom persists in filling it with water every now and then and sitting in it. Ugh! I just don't understand that mindset. It did cause us some amusement, though. Mom would always remove her fur, or I mean her clothes, before she would get into all that hot water. How funny! Kind of a little embarrassing, too. Cherokee and I would really get a kick out of seeing her that way. Humans are so funny looking. Laughter is really very good for people of all kinds. Being incredibly curious, Cherokee tried to figure out what she was doing in the tub and managed to fall in once. ONCE! He didn't try that again, unlike some other people I know.
Did I ever mention human food? Some of it is really great, like beef, chicken, turkey, lamb, even pork. I don't understand why Mom eats all that other stuff, though. Eggs I can see, even cheese sometimes, but corn? Celery? Tomatoes? Bananas? Oranges? Yech!!!! I gag just thinking about those things. About the only other thing I like is a little bit of ice cream. Mom says that sugar is not good for us, so it's only just once in a great while that she gives me a tiny taste of ice cream. I like mint, vanilla, and strawberry ice cream. She says that all the cats she has ever had liked strawberry ice cream. Oh, I forgot about fish! That is delicious, too. Even in a can, like tuna. It's really great when she cooks salmon and gives me a few bites. Yum!!
Mom does give us good, wet food from a can most of the time, along with that dry stuff. I can see why Cherokee started putting some of his in the water dish, because I find that I am now beginning to like it that way myself. It seems to be a lot harder these days. Have they changed the formula? Once in a while, she runs out of canned food and has to use canned tuna. It's not supposed to be very good for us, but Mom says that a rare treat is okay.
Well, I think we are going to watch a movie or TV or something now. It's too bad we don't have a lot of cable channels anymore. Cherokee and I used to love watching Animal Planet with Mom. Sometimes Cherokee would get so excited that he would accidently change the channel by stepping on the remote control. Silly goof! We weren't terribly interested in watching the dog stuff, but there were a lot of cats on TV, too.
I will probably end up sleeping through most of the movie or whatever. I do have some sleeping to catch up on, since Pest disturbed me. Wish me a good nap!
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