Sunday, July 7, 2013

Constant Fear

I have played a little bit, but I’m not really feeling up to it much lately.

We have come to a place where we seem to be staying for a while.  It is nice not to be in the box anymore, but it’s kind of a scary place.  We are kept mainly in two rooms, with some air coming through and some windows to look out of.  However, there’s not much to see, mostly a wall.

Last night, the windows in the room where Mom sleeps were open and had screens on them.  Before, just a window on top was open, and we couldn’t get to it.  The bottom windows’ being open was very nice, as we could hear a lot more things.  That was not always a good thing, though.  Some time after dark, a loud man’s voice came in the window.  He was sort of singing, and it was scary.  Both Miss Patchy and I were scared, but Mom wasn’t.  Maybe the man’s voice is not so bad, but if I hear it again, I think I will still be afraid.  Mom says we shouldn’t worry about it, because the man, who she says is called a muzin [sic] is praying for us and everyone, so we should be happy to hear it.  I’ll have to think about that.  I’m not sure what praying is, but the way Mom says it, I think it isn’t a bad thing.

Miss Patchy and I mostly stay in Mom’s closet, because we feel safe there.  In the last few days, Mom has let us come out of the two rooms, and there is a kitchen, and another room where people sit and sleep.  There are also some bathrooms, although one of them seems strange to me.  It smells like a toilet, but it doesn’t look like a toilet.  It looks like a hole in the floor, and there is a water place there, too.

When we are out of the two rooms, sometimes a strange person comes out.  Mom says it is Dad’s mother.  She scares me, though.  The hair on her head has all kinds of colors on it that are sometimes pretty, and she ties it under her chin.  Every day it is different.  I have never seen hair like that before.  She always has glasses on, unlike Mom and Dad, who just wear them sometimes.  Her clothes come to the floor, so I’m not sure that she has legs, or what.  Also, her voice is scratchy and loud.  Sometimes in the morning, I have heard her head whistle and squeak.  Mom says that it is her hearing aid we hear whistling.  I don’t know what that is.  She is very frightening to me.  When she gets up, Miss Patchy and I go to the closet and stay there.

Mom found the other litter box yesterday – the one she calls portable.  She couldn’t find it before, so we were using part of my box.  Now it will smell all the time.  I hope I don’t ever have to get in it again, because I hate it, and the smell will make it worse.

Mom says that this is our new home.  I don’t know if I like it.  Maybe if I can get to know the rest of the place it will be better.  It smells funny, though, and neither Miss Patchy nor I like the smell.  It’s very strong!  Mom says it is mothballs that we smell.  Ugh!  There are a lot of other unfamiliar smells, too.  I need to investigate them in order to know what they are all about.

Dad cooked us some food, but I still just prefer the dry food.  It smells nice, but I just don’t like it.  Miss Patchy has trouble eating the dry food, because she doesn’t have a lot of teeth left, so she needs to eat the wet food.  I think that’s funny!  I have all of my teeth!  Does that make me better than Miss Patchy?  I think so.

I miss home very much, but I think it is gone and we are now here, and will never see home again.  Mom says that we flew.  I don’t believe it.  I think we came in a great big car.  Miss Patchy and I were in our boxes in a little room, and it vibrated a lot, but we still did not have any wings, so how could we have been flying?  Birds fly, and bugs fly, but felines do not fly, neither do humans.  Silly Mom!

Mom says that we are now living in the turkey that she and Dad have been talking about for a long time.  That’s another silly thing she has said.  It doesn’t smell like a turkey, and I don’t see any meat.  How could we be in a turkey?  Mom is strange sometimes, but I love her anyway.  I love to lie on her chest and put my paws around her neck.  Then I purr a lot and she pets me.  It is a wonderful time.

Well, I need to think about playing.  Ribbon has come here, too, and so has mousey, so not everything is strange.  Mom also brought the furry beds.  It’s too warm for them now, but maybe it will be cold here, too.  It’s time to think about playing.



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