Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Home at Last?

Whee!!!  What fun there is here!

            We’ve been here in our new home for some time now, and it’s really beginning to feel like home.  The floors aren’t getting any warmer, but if I run fast enough, it’s not too bad.  I can really get up some speed running down the hall, and we have been joined here by Ribbon, Mousey, and others.  It’s great.  There is no one here to be scared of Mousey, and Ribbon has been very happy here, too.

            The bathroom is different from any bathroom I’ve ever seen, but it’s pretty neat.  It is all hard, both the floors and walls.  Mom has put our litter box in the bathroom, so now we are almost just like humans.  All we need now is to eat at the table, but I don’t think that is going to happen.  I like to go into the bathroom, even if I don’t need the litter box.  There is a funny curtain hanging by the shower, which is just part of the floor.  I often go into the shower and go around the curtain, since Mom leaves it open on both ends.  I can also watch her and Dad take showers.  Since it was pretty dusty and dirty at first, here in this new place, Ribbon kept getting dirty, so I took him to the shower and Mom washed him off and hung him outside to dry.  Now he is always clean, and I don’t have to keep putting him in the water bowl, except when Mom forgets to wash him.  I like to go up on the sink, too, and lick the water out of it.  I do that in the shower, too.  For some reason the water in the bathroom tastes good.

            As I mentioned earlier, it is easy to run fast down the hallway.  The floor is tile, so things (like Mousey) slide very easily and quickly.  He squeaks and squeaks as he speeds down the floor.  What fun!  The floors are awfully cold, though, so we spend a lot of time in the bedroom.  The floor there is not so cold, because it is not tile.  Also, our mattress and comforter are in the bedroom, as well as our furry beds.  Miss Patchy sleeps in the furry beds a lot, but I always prefer the bed.  Sometimes I jump up behind the window curtains and look out the window.  There are lots of people outside walking around, and lots of cars and trucks.  Lots of things to watch!  Sometimes small humans play with balls (just like me) and other things.  These small humans look pretty much like big humans, just smaller.  Miss Patchy is beginning to think that maybe there are baby humans after all.  She has not seen much herself, since she is unable to jump up on the window because of her back legs, so I have told her all about it.  She has looked down from the balcony and, I think, from the couch room, so she has seen a little bit.

            Speaking of the couch room, the door to it is almost always closed.  I would love to spend some time in there, but we can go in only when Mom is in there, and then she won’t let us get up on the furniture.  It is white and kind of furry (I was up on it once) and doesn’t look like any other furniture we’ve ever had.  It’s funny-shaped and has big pillows on it.  I think I could love it a lot.  At least the floor in the couch room is not cold, because there is a big rug on the floor.  The furniture looks very nice and comfortable and I would love to spend some time on it, but I haven’t figured out how to do so without Mom’s knowing that I’m doing it.  There also is a funny kind of curtain on the window, and I keep getting my claws caught in it.  That used to be all there was on the window, but Mom complained that the people across the street could look right in at night, so now there is a big, white curtain behind the funny one.  It keeps us from seeing into the windows across the street, so I guess those people can’t see in ours, either.  Mom likes that, because she is working a puzzle.  I don’t know why she likes to do that, as it means sitting in a chair for a long time, looking at little pieces of cardboard.  She picks some up and then puts them down, then picks up some more and puts them back down, until once in a while she smiles and says something and puts a piece somewhere else on the table, hooking it to others that are already there.  In a way, I like puzzles, too, but I like to pick up the little pieces that are hooked to the others and take them down to the floor to check them out.  I don’t see anything great about them, but since Mom keeps working with them, I keep trying to figure out what is so great about them.  Who can explain why Mom (or any other human) likes certain things?

            There is another room in this house, but it is very small, and Dad goes in there a lot by himself.  I am almost never allowed to go in there, but I want to check it out.  It smells good, and there is a hole in the floor with water in it.  Mom keeps the bucket and mop in there, too.  It also is all tiled, like the bathroom.  Mom calls it a squatter.  I don’t know what that means, but Mom says she will not ever use it, except for storing the mop and bucket.

            Well, it’s getting late, and I have a lot of playing to catch up on, so I will be back later.



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