Sunday, June 30, 2013

Just We Two - Life Goes On

Well, I took a nice, long nap on Mom and Dad’s bed and am feeling ready to go.  Where?  Where can one go except downstairs or upstairs?

Mr. Purr and I have a truce.  I wouldn’t say we actually get along, but we don’t get in big fights anymore.  We hiss and growl at each other sometimes, but no “knock down drag out fights,” as Mom would put it.  A sort of peace has descended upon this house.  There is just one wrong note here.  Dad disappeared.  He and Mom got in the car and rolled away.  Dad had some suitcases, so I suspect that he will be back some time before too long.  Mom came back by herself and seemed sad, but I’m not sure why.  I do miss Dad though.  Mom says that we will go to see Dad soon and be with him.  That does not sound like a good idea, because going somewhere means going into the box again.

It is a lot warmer than it was when we came to this house.  It’s great having the windows open so that we can smell the outdoors and hear the birds.  Linda says that one window is called “Cat TV,” because we can see where the birds come to eat and drink.  What fun!  Also, we can get on the table in the front room and look out another window to see pretty much the same things.  This is not a bad house!  Mina likes it here, because Linda plays with her a lot.  Mr. Purr and Millie are pretty old, and they don’t play too much anymore, so Linda likes to watch the little fool, I mean Mina, jump in the air trying to catch ribbon.

Mom is busy doing something on the dining room table.  There are her computer, a funny kind of box and lots of what she calls records or albums.  Quite often, she sits at the table and puts one of the records in the box, turns it on and has headphones on.  I don’t hear anything or see anything.  Why does she waste her time with a box that doesn’t do anything?  Oh well, who ever said that humans could be understood?  They do strange things all the time.  I mean, really, why would anyone want to stand in a little room and get wet?  Ugh!  It makes me shudder just to think about it.  Mom took me in with her once, because I had some pee on me in places I couldn’t reach.  Suffice it to say that a trip to the vet caused it to be on me.  She made me come out of the box and then she turned on the water.  Oh, how awful it was!  At least she was also getting wet, even though she didn’t seem to mind at all.  Once we were thoroughly wet, she shut off the water and tried to wrap me in a towel.  I didn’t like that very much, and escaped from the bathroom as soon as I could.  She does that every morning, no matter what house we are living in!

Mina says she wants to go outside and get a bird.  I told her that she can only think about it, because they will never let us go outside.  Mr. Purr and Millie are sometimes allowed to go out, but they are old and slow and usually come in when Linda tells them to.  One time, though, Millie hid, and Linda was a little upset with her.  Finally, she came in and all was peaceful again.

Mom has been taking things out of boxes and putting them in different boxes and putting them in the back room.  When Mom and Dad went away one day, with two cars, a lot of boxes disappeared from the house.  I don’t know what they did with them, but they are completely gone and, I think, not coming back.  One of the cars did not come back, either.  We used to look out the window and see the big white car sitting in the driveway, but it is no longer there.  Mom is very busy, though.  She goes places and comes back, sometimes with stuff, sometimes not.  Sometimes she says she has been “downtown,” wherever that is.  She says it costs her a lot of money to go there, so I don’t know why she goes.  There is something called an “apple still” that she has to see and then she goes to a Turkish thing.  I don’t know what it is, but it starts with “con.”

Besides being busy, Mom is a little stressed – actually a lot stressed.  Sometimes she goes places with Linda and/or Richie, but so far she always comes back.  I’m afraid that one day she won’t come back.  What will we do then?  We can’t stay here.  Millie is so upset about our being here, that she sometimes leaves puddles and little presents for Linda.  She says she doesn’t like our being here, and she is protesting.  Of course, with Mina being here and trying to boss her around, she feels that she has no status, because she says we all pick on her.  I don’t think that’s true.  We don’t pick on her all the time, just a lot of the time.  She’s easy to pick on, except sometimes she does growl and hiss back at us.  I think that if we stay here much longer, she will try to get back at us.

Mom keeps saying that soon we will fly away to be with Dad.  With what wings?  Are we birds?  I must take a nap and keep on thinking about this.  It’s very puzzling.



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