Tuesday, April 9, 2013


I’m just up from my nap, and feel the need to get on with this blog.  As I’m sure you’ve noticed, neither of us has written anything for a very long time.  All has been chaos in our house, at least as I understand that word.
Neither Mina nor I have been able to understand much of what has been going on.  Shortly after Mom had her second hip replacement, Mom and Dad decided that we would have to move – again!    Where to this time, I wondered.  In order to move, they decided that they must sell everything, except us and their clothes.  So, once Mom was feeling okay, she began to sort things out.  This was all interrupted by Mom and Dad going away – again!  They left the house one morning and didn’t come back for nearly a week.  The neighbor came in to feed us again, and to clean our litter box.  Did they think of us while they were gone?  Did they go somewhere, or just stay out of the house for that week?

When they got back, they talked about something called a reunion, a cemetery, old friends, old houses, and other things, including a beach, whatever those things are.  They talked about eating some places and driving around.  I’m glad I didn’t go, since I would much rather take a nap.

Of course, the sorting began again, and Mom began to set things up in the garage.  She set up the folding tables and put a lot of stuff on them.  She kept finding more and more stuff to put in the garage, until you could hardly move in the garage.  She got really tired do all of that, but she kept on going, until there was no longer any room for anything.  Finally, the day came when the door to the garage was constantly open, our litter box and food and water dishes were upstairs, and a lot of people came into the house and were looking around.  This went on for two days!  When it was over, things apparently went back to normal.  But not quite!  A lot of things were gone that had been in the house before.  Even some of the furniture was missing.  The curio cabinet and the entertainment center had disappeared some time before, when someone came to take them away.

There were a few more days of that type of activity over the while, but things remained pretty much the same, until one day some people came and took away the couch, the liquor cabinet, the bedroom set, and the wonderful computer desk and one of the office chairs.  That was a shock!  Mom went out one day and came back with a tiny little thing to put the computer on and things were a little difficult for a while.  A while after that, the garage was open most of the time, and people came and took stuff away.  Mom packed away the china and a lot of other things, and taped up the boxes.  It was getting really scary.  Mina and I had no idea what was happening.  We just stayed close to Mom and Dad and tried to keep warm and comfortable on what was left of the furniture.  They moved the mattress and springs from the bed down into the living room so they would have something to sit on, so we often cuddle there.

One day, when it was pretty cold, Mom went away.  She was gone for a few days and then came back.  She said that her sister-in-law had died and she had to go to the funeral.  I’m not sure what that is, but she was sad for a while.  She said it was an expense she hadn’t needed, but she had needed to go; it was important.  She said it was very cold where she had been, but it hadn’t bothered her too much.  She said that was a good thing, considering what they were going to do.

Oh, I’m getting so tired!  I think I need a nap.



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