Sunday, July 3, 2011

Just We Two - The Dreaded Vet

Well, I just had a little nap.  I find that I really don’t need to sleep as much as I used to, but I still enjoy my naps very much.  I see that Pest has been filling in for me on this blog.  I was grateful to her for trying to get me out of the box, but let me explain all that happened to me during this time that I was not writing.

On Monday, Mom and Dad managed to get me into the infamous box.  Mom picked me up out of the bathtub where I was enjoying a little privacy.  I spread out my back legs so that she couldn’t get me into the box (which was standing on its end), but Dad helped her out by holding my back legs together so Mom could put me in.  Oh, I was so angry!  I hate going into that box.  It is a death box, although in this case that was not true.

After being so unceremoniously dumped into the box, we went out to the car and rolled away.  We went to the vet’s place, but a different one than we went to last week.  I think I had seen this vet before, maybe last year or sometime.  That didn’t make me like it any better, though.  I hissed and growled at the vet (well, actually her assistant) to demonstrate my anger and displeasure at being treated so badly.  They really treated me well; I was just very unhappy to be in that box and being anywhere but home.  My teeth were hurting and I was in no mood for that sort of thing.

I was there for quite a while before they tried to take me out of the box.  I just would not let them.  I got myself as far back in the box as I could and braced myself totally with all four legs.  I growled and hissed.  The vet said she was going to call Mom.  When she came back, they put my box into a big clear plastic box and then I fell asleep.  When I woke up, my mouth hurt a lot, even more than before, and I felt something strange in it, where one of my precious teeth used to be.  They had taken some of my teeth!  Did they want them for something, some sort of ritual?  I just couldn’t understand.  I was so sleepy that I didn’t really have time to think about it.  I guess I sort of dozed off and on for a while, and then I heard Mom’s voice calling me.  Oh, blessed day!  I was so happy to hear her voice that I calmly let them pick up the box and take it out to the other room.  There, waiting for me, were Mom and Dad.  Happiness!!  Dad carried me out to the car and off we rolled, until I could smell home.

Seeing the inside of my home made me feel much better, but my mouth still hurt quite a bit.  I let Mom take me out of the box, but I just wanted to lie down and sleep.  When she called us for supper, I went into the kitchen, wobbly as I was, but I didn’t seem to be hungry.  Not long after that, Mom squirted something in my mouth and I soon went to sleep on my heart-shaped cushion on the floor.

The next morning, I ate my breakfast, since I was very hungry.  I even crunched some of Mina’s dry food.  That might have been a mistake, because my mouth hurt a lot after that.  Mom and Dad then held me down and she squirted some more of that stuff in my mouth.  I struggled and screamed, to no avail.  She finally managed to get it into my mouth.  Mom said that it was so stressful squirting that stuff into my mouth that she was not going to do it again.  Thank goodness!  I slept again after that, but when I woke up later, I felt pretty good.  My mouth was feeling much better, and I felt much more awake than before.  Mina wanted to play, but I still didn’t feel too much like playing.

On Wednesday morning, I felt so good that I actually ran down the stairs, keeping up completely with Mina.  I felt as though I had some energy.  Maybe later I will play a little, even though I have never been much for playing.  That was always Cherokee’s job.  I wish he was here.  He always wanted to wrestle, and now I feel as though I could do that.  Maybe one day Mina and I will wrestle.  She is becoming a nice companion.  She listens to me when I tell her things; she is eager to learn from me.  It’s almost as if she considered me to be her mother.

On that note, I think I will go take a nap so that I can contemplate the happenings of this strange week.



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